
Limonik is our premium brand of persian seedless limes.

Superjugoso is our juiciest brand of persian seedless limes.
Persian Lime

The persian lime is an oval-shaped fruit usually about 3 to 6 centimeters (1 – 2.4 inch.) in diameter, depending it’s size, with a vivid green rind which turns yellow when ripe and often with slightly nippled ends.
It is a citrus fruit species with hybrid origin rind, known only in cultivation. The Persian lime is a triploid cross between key lime (Citrus × aurantifolia) and lemon (Citrus limon).

It is a citrus fruit species with hybrid origin rind, known only in cultivation. The Persian lime is a triploid cross between key lime (Citrus × aurantifolia) and lemon (Citrus limon).

Key Lime

The key lime is a small oval fruit with a thick green rind which is prone to splotchy brown spots. They are aromatic and very juicy, with a stronger and more complex acidic flavor than Persian limes.
It is a citrus hybrid (C. micrantha x C. medica) about 2.5–5 cm (1–2 in) wide. Key limes are usually picked while they are still green, but they become yellow when ripe.

It is a citrus hybrid (C. micrantha x C. medica) about 2.5–5 cm (1–2 in) wide. Key limes are usually picked while they are still green, but they become yellow when ripe.

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