MEM AWARD (Mejores Empresas Mexicanas)
Limonik congratulates her sister company Limones Mónica SA de CV for winning the MEM 2020 award that recognizes its High Level of Business Management performance. Limones Monica has been an integral part of our Persian lime supply chain which tirelessly assists us, so that our products are safe, with exceptional quality and reliable year-round support. We recognize that this award could only be achieved with teamwork and with the support of our small, medium and large growers. Limonik also wants to recognize the support from our clients, which we would also like to thank because without them this would not have been possible.
If you want to learn more about the MEM (Mejores Empresas Mexicanas) award you can click here

Our fields are located in the largest producer and exporter country of limes.
We have more than 20 years of experience in the Persian Lime international market.
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